Former Alberta civil servant says leaving the Athabasca River unmonitored is ‘crazy’
Alberta, Ottawa reduce tarsands environmental monitoring budget due to pandemic
Alberta, Ottawa reduce tarsands environmental monitoring budget due to pandemic
After analysing thousands of environmental stand-offs around the world, a group of international researchers report…
Opponents celebrate as company considers options
Ends long legal battle over duty to consult and approval of $4.5 billion pipeline expansion
“There could be protests or anything that will slow down any projects.”
‘There’s times on a good hot day I would smell Fort McMurray from here’
Indigenous companies in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia are starting to sign up to get…
With or without Covid-19, the reality of coastline erosion along the Arctic Ocean remains a…
The Chief of Pimicikamak Cree Nation says he is still waiting for a response to…
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