Québec construit trois enclos pour la protection du caribou à Val d’Or, à Charlevoix et en Gaspésie
Le total de cette opération est d’environ un million de dollars chacun. Selon le ministère,…
Le total de cette opération est d’environ un million de dollars chacun. Selon le ministère,…
The Algonquin Nation testified at the Quebec inquiry that is looking into the relationship between some state-run services and Indigenous peoples in the province.
The Quebec inquiry looking into relations between some provincial departments and Indigenous people in the province heard from a non-Indigenous social work Friday.
APTN News Quebec’s own inquiry into Indigenous relations heard more heartbreaking stories linked to provincial…
APTN News Juliette Lisbeth Jérôme says she still has stains in her hair from the…
APTN News Xavier Moushoom lost count of all the families from his 10 years in…
he Quebec police ethics commissioner testified at the public inquiry in Val-d’Or, Que., Thursday morning.
An official with the Cree Women’s Association says that a language barrier between her people and government health services means that people may not be making the right choices for themselves.
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