TRC now heads East to hear survivor stories
The story of Aboriginal children being forced into residential schools is now being told in Atlantic Canada.
The story of Aboriginal children being forced into residential schools is now being told in Atlantic Canada.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission tasked with gathering testimony from survivors of residential schools has completed their second national event.
Healing through laughter is one way to life the heaviness of the Truth and Reconciliation hearings.
Up to 1,000 residential school survivors along with government and church leaders gathered in Inuvik last week for the second national gathering of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s national event in Inuvik is a reunion for many of the former students of residential schools.
Forgiving traumatic events in the past has allowed one man to move on in life.
The haunting drumming of the Dene opened the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s national event in Inuvik, NWT, Tuesday.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has wrapped up its Northern hearings.
For 12 hours, survivors from the Lower Post Residential School told their stories at the Truth and Reconciliation hearings held last week in Watson Lake, Yukon.
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