Provincial law restricts hiring Inuit intervention workers says director of health services in Nunavik
A provincial law passed in 2012 is restricting access to Inuit intervention workers who could…
A provincial law passed in 2012 is restricting access to Inuit intervention workers who could…
A father in Saskatchewan wants answers from the province’s ministry of Social Services after it refused to return his two youngest children, even though, he and his spouse have been approved by
the department to provide foster care to other children.
Mother forced to live off-reserve
Evander Lee Daniels was only 22 months-old when he died in foster home
A drop-in centre in Ottawa where country food is served for lunch and that acts as a cultural getaway for First Nations, Metis and Inuit homeless people is closing.
At the funeral home Chris Martell couldn’t recognize his 22-month-old son because his little body had been so badly disfigured by third degree burns.
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