Algonquin senator wants Ottawa to mandate warnings labels on alcohol products
Sen. Patrick Brazeau says he has high hopes for a bill he introduced last November…
Sen. Patrick Brazeau says he has high hopes for a bill he introduced last November…
Reports say Brazeau to plead guilty to lesser charges in sexual assault case
Suspended Senator Patrick Brazeau says he was appointed to the Red Chamber to support Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s “Aboriginal agenda.”
Moments after the Senate voted to suspend him, trailed by a mob of television cameras, photographers Sen. Patrick Brazeau strode swiftly from the Red Chamber, out of Centre Block on Parliament Hill and into the passenger’s seat of a waiting white car, his new girlfriend in tow, jumping into the back.
Senator Patrick Brazeau had a romantic relationship with the female owner of the house where Gatineau police said they conducted an “intervention” early Tuesday morning, according to photos posted online.
Gatineau police remain mum amid a report Senator Patrick Brazeau was taken to hospital early Tuesday morning.
Senator Patrick Brazeau, who was kicked out of the Conservative caucus after being charged with assault and sexual assault, claims he’s innocent of falsely claiming his father’s house in Maniwaki, Que., as his primary residence and believes he shouldn’t have to pay any money back.
Algonquin Senator Patrick Brazeau has been told to pay back about $48,000 following an audit into his claimed living expenses.
OTTAWA–Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau says Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence’s now 10-day long hunger strike doesn’t set a “good example for young Aboriginal youth.”
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