First Nations groups lobby Ottawa on pros, cons of open water fish farms in B.C.
Two First Nations groups from B.C., who sit on opposite sides of the open net…
Two First Nations groups from B.C., who sit on opposite sides of the open net…
For the last number of years, salmon numbers in British Columbia and Yukon have been…
After residents and activists rang alarm bells during the early salmon run on Aug. 7, pipeline expansion staff continued working in the Coquihalla River until Aug. 21
Fish watchers say 280,000 salmon made it upstream of the slide site this summer
Findings received pushback from salmon farmers who argue direct link hasn’t been proven
APTN InFocus is talking harvesting rights this episode, everything from lobster to moose to salmon….
A B.C. study confirms what Michelle George’s family has told her about their Tsleil-Waututh ancestors’…
kʷu ƛaʔayin t̓ɛt̓ɛkʷu ɬagət — or “The herring are beginning to spawn,” in ʔayʔaǰuθəm (Ay-a-ju-thum), the language of Tla’amin First Nation. Once a time of rejoicing, now it signifies a time of guarding against roe fishery.
After a historic decision to phase out fish farms in the Discovery Islands, wild salmon advocates say it’s time to rebuild and restore salmon stocks.
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