TRC final event starts May 31 and APTN will be there
APTN National News The Truth and Reconciliation Commission updated its agenda for the upcoming event…
APTN National News The Truth and Reconciliation Commission updated its agenda for the upcoming event…
APTN National News The Truth and Reconciliation Commission updated its agenda for the upcoming event…
APTN National News The Witness Blanket has arrived in Ottawa ahead of the final event…
APTN National News The work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is quickly coming to…
A special government unit investigates former residential school students accused of abusing other students. It…
A special government unit investigates former residential school students accused of abusing other students. It…
APTN National News Thousands of people gathered to witness a former residential school on a…
New cases involving alleged wrongdoing by lawyers and law firms handling Indian residential school claims continue to surface, according to an official involved with monitoring the file.
Indian residential school survivors who attended an institution that used an electric chair to torture students are returning to court in another effort to force the federal government to release uncensored documents from the investigations and criminal trials of former school staff.
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