Topp supporter dismisses Saganash leadership bid
One of the MP’s backing NDP leadership candidate Brian Topp dismissed Romeo Saganash’s ability to get support from party members outside Quebec.
One of the MP’s backing NDP leadership candidate Brian Topp dismissed Romeo Saganash’s ability to get support from party members outside Quebec.
Federal politicians are back on Parliament Hill after a long Christmas break and a new face is now handling the Indian Affairs file for the government.
Canada’s new Governor General was sworn in Friday saying he was looking forward to meeting with “Aboriginal families” in his first speech as the country’s new representative of the Queen.
Hundreds gathered in the shadow of the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill Thursday, waving flags and placards, drumming and dancing, in one of the largest rallies this year by First Nations people who came from as far away as New Brunswick to demand federal politicians reverse the dismal quality of education on reserves.
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