Aboriginal Affairs refuses to release damning financial report
APTN National News
Aboriginal Affairs is sitting on what some believe is a damning report of financial mismanagement by an Aboriginal aid agency in Manitoba.
APTN National News
Aboriginal Affairs is sitting on what some believe is a damning report of financial mismanagement by an Aboriginal aid agency in Manitoba.
APTN National News
OTTAWA–If you’re in Ottawa, there’s still time to check out the 3rd annual Asinabka Film & Media Arts Festival. The celebration of indigenous arts runs until Sunday, with dozens of film screenings, artists talks and a live music event.
The Harper government “blinked” when faced with the imminent cancellation of an upcoming meeting of parliamentarians from the Arctic region in the Yukon as a result of sanctions and counter-sanctions imposed by Ottawa and Moscow, says an NDP MP.
Cree NDP MP Romeo Saganash has asked Canada’s auditor general to probe the millions of dollars Ottawa spends fighting Aboriginal rights and title cases.
WINNIPEG–The Harper government is expected to announce its decision on whether to green light Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline after financial markets close Tuesday.
The Canadian military used its count-intelligence unit to monitor the aftermath of last October’s RCMP raid on a Mi’kmaq Warrior Society-led anti-fracking camp in New Brunswick in preparation for the eventuality the situation went “sideways,” according to internal document obtained by APTN National News.
Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt vented his frustration Thursday with the Assembly of First Nations’ rejection of a proposed bill for First Nation education and hinted Ottawa may move ahead on the file without the support of the chiefs’ organization.
The chair of a British Columbia tribal council says it may be time for the region to strike its own First Nation education deal with Ottawa.
The Assembly of First Nation called on the Harper government Tuesday to withdraw its First Nation education bill while also demanding the federal government immediately inject the $1.9 billion promised for 2015 in the last federal budget.
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