Professor at Alberta conference says Jordan’s Principle ‘a failure’
A doctor speaking at a Treaty 7 conference on Jordan’s Principle has concluded that the program meant to help Indigenous children with medical needs is not working.
A doctor speaking at a Treaty 7 conference on Jordan’s Principle has concluded that the program meant to help Indigenous children with medical needs is not working.
Jorge Barrera APTN National News The Justin Trudeau Liberal government is taking the Canadian Human…
Lawyer says Canada is inflating the number of children it is helping under Jordan’s Principle program.
Shaneen Robinson Desjarlais APTN National News It’s an unfortunate reality for many First Nation families…
Chris Stewart APTN National News Alberta First Nations in Treaty territories 6, 7 and 8…
Nation to Nation As 2017 dawns, Cindy Blackstock continues an old struggle in her case…
Film looks at how Canada discriminates against First Nations children.
APTN National News First Nations children requiring medical treatment on-reserve may get the support they need after…
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