2016 Special Chiefs Assembly
First Nation leaders bring forward the concerns and priorities of First Nation members.
First Nation leaders bring forward the concerns and priorities of First Nation members.
A women’s group says the number of female chiefs in Nishnawbe Aski’s 49 communities has doubled since 2002
APTN National News Chiefs are concerned about funding cuts announced by the British Columbia government…
Tuesday was a “monumental” day according to long-time opponents of proposed nuclear waste disposal sites in Saskatchewan.
The Transparency Act may show how much chiefs make.
Trina Roache APTN National News People across Nova Scotia are furious after finding out chiefs…
In Toronto, nine chiefs from the Matawa Tribal Council held an emergency meeting with the province this week.
Near the end of July the chief of Fort Severn First Nation in northern Ontario went on the local radio and told the community Wasaya Airways was in trouble with growing debt, adding the future didn’t look good for the company that has been serving them for over a decade.
After three days of talks, two resolutions and about 200 chiefs and proxies in attendance the Assembly of First Nations annual winter gathering in Gatineau, Quebec ended Friday.
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