Le chef du Bloc se joint aux premières nations pour dénoncer un dépotoir de déchets nucléaires
Le chef du bloc québécois, Yves-François Blanchet, s’est joint aux chefs des premières nations lors…
Le chef du bloc québécois, Yves-François Blanchet, s’est joint aux chefs des premières nations lors…
François Blanchet says ‘it is illogical’ to build nuclear waste disposal facility so close to Ottawa River.
Politicians from across the country have made their way back to Parliament.
The NDP’s Romeo Saganash easily took his northern Quebec riding despite facing accusations early on his Cree background would prove a liability with local voters.
An incumbent Bloc Quebecois candidate in northern Quebec apologized Friday for saying the Aboriginal ancestry of his NDP opponent was a liability with voters.
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