A look at what happened during this week’s AFN chiefs assembly
Todd Lamirande APTN News News out of the Assembly of First Nations chiefs assembly in…
Todd Lamirande APTN News News out of the Assembly of First Nations chiefs assembly in…
APTN National News Chiefs say they were pretty happy with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s speech…
(Enbridge map shows the energy firm’s Canadian Mainline West pipeline connection with the U.S. Mainline…
Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo said First Nations people were part of a “singular great struggle” and a force to be “reckoned with.”
Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo said First Nations people were part of a “singular great struggle” and a force to be “reckoned with.”
Manitoba chiefs called for “action” against existing oil pipelines on a day of heated words at a special chiefs assembly in Ottawa that heard from embattled Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence and saw an impromptu march to the doors of Parliament Hill that ended with police intervention.
Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo called the Attawapiskat crisis a “national disgrace” and said First Nations people have “reason to feel angry and betrayed,” during his opening speech to chiefs gathered for a special assembly in Ottawa Tuesday.
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