Alberta Metis sign agreement to negotiate as a nation
After decades of lobbying, the Metis Nation of Alberta (MNA) will finally have a distinct voice heard within the federal government.
After decades of lobbying, the Metis Nation of Alberta (MNA) will finally have a distinct voice heard within the federal government.
Danielle Rochette APTN News Coming to the big city for medical treatment can land vulnerable…
At 52 years old, Dan Parlow has spent more than half his life, over 30…
APTN News The Assembly of First Nations is holding a national day of action Thursday…
Acclaimed Indigenous Chef David Wolfman has been around for a long time. His career started 40-years-ago in Toronto, Ont.
The source of an April 2016 Globe and Mail report outlining a mistake by federal government lawyers which allowed the Catholic Church to escape paying $21 million in obligations to the Residential School Settlement Agreement, now says that number is actually millions of dollars higher.
A small restaurant in Toronto that has been serving up a selection of Indigenous foods from across Turtle Island for a while now – is causing a stir after putting seal meat on the menu.
Controversial Conservative Sen. Lynn Beyak has been removed from all Senate committees following remarks about First Nations which have been widely condemned.
The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) has awarded the Nunatsiavut government in Labrador and Chicago’s Field Museum with a cultural repatriation award for returning Inuit bodies that had been dug up and taken for scientific study.
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