When starting a business and COVID-19 collide
This Indigenous entrepreneur is staying positive and pushing forward amid a pandemic.
This Indigenous entrepreneur is staying positive and pushing forward amid a pandemic.
In his first full year with the Edmonton Oilers, 22 year old Ethan Bear has…
‘If there are filmmakers who believe it can sit well on the screen then I am totally into that.’
‘When her grandma passed away that’s when her world was taken from her.’
Around 500 students in West Kelowna and Kamloops were carving traditional dugout canoes at school — now their carving teachers are finishing the job.
‘If Indigenous physicians themselves and are seeing those types of overt racism then what happens to our patients who come from the communities…’
“Trying to advance this justice for our day scholars is vital for our absolute wellness and the restoration of our language and culture.”
The Haida Nation and province of British Columbia have reached a logging agreement on the…
‘The kind of attention we get as Native filmmakers should be reflected in the budgets that we get’
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