Police divers in Kitigan Zibi searching for Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander

Tom Fennario
APTN National News


Laurie Odjick, mother of Maisy Odjick, it’s hard to describe the news.

“As a family member, you’re hoping for closure – whenever something like this comes along different thoughts run through your head,” she said. “What if they find something? What kind of impact will it have on our family? Because even with that there’s still no closure. We would have to wait for more answers.”

Maisy Odjick, 16, from Kitigan Zibi, and Shannon Alexander, 17, who lived in Maniwaki, vanished on September 8, 2008.


The girls were staying at the apartment of Alexander’s father. When he returned home in the evening he found their personal belongings – including purses and identification.

Now ten members of the Surete du Quebec’s major crime investigation unit, and dive team are clearing out the edges of the tributary in KZ. 

They arrived after information was received from someone in the community came forward some months ago. 

Police say high water levels, and rescues elsewhere in the province have prevented them from starting the search. 

At first, the police determined that the girls had run away.

A search did not start until more than a week had passed.

The community had organized its own search and hired a private firm to investigate the disappearance.


A year later, the Surete du Quebec took over the case.

In December of 2015, police released a composite sketch of what the girls might look like in present day.

More to come.

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9 thoughts on “Police divers in Kitigan Zibi searching for Maisy Odjick and Shannon Alexander

  1. Helen Clark says:

    A great amount of Koodos to the people of Kitigan Zubi ! ‼️‼️ We all hope these two girls are safe somewhere. Prayers for them and their families are going out today. . Love from Carriere First Nations, Quesnel BC
    July 24/2017

  2. Sending love and prayers to Laurie and family. This must be a difficult time for the family and community. Creator be with you all

  3. Total incompetence. The handling of the case is a crime in itself. May the family have peace

    1. And you have first hand credible information on how the case was handled? It seems to me that perhaps the police are acting now on clues they did not have before.

    2. I don’t understand why they never search for the man who drugs them in a car pretending to be new friend from the city ask them to drink a beer and knock out on the back sit of he’s car!!!! I don’t understand police department say: Run away! They will never do that! Shannon , she’s my best friend. I know averything about Her, and she will never go.! Pleas. Found them

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