Beverly Andrews
APTN National News
The Province of Ontario has settled a long disputed land claim with Six Nations outside Hamilton.
It’s a piece of land that has caused a lot of controversy over the years.
Beverly Andrews
APTN National News
The Province of Ontario has settled a long disputed land claim with Six Nations outside Hamilton.
It’s a piece of land that has caused a lot of controversy over the years.
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Who appointed SNEC to a place of aurthority?
Is the elected council for the people or is it the same government agency from the beginning of reserve life?
The treaties are not with the province or country it is with the crown.
The crown is still in control of the country, I belive.
What are your thoughts on this?
This story is completely off track It does not deal at all with the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council. Actually negotiated the return It had nothing to do with the government claims process and in fact was not to come back as crown land but Haudenosaunee land and Ontario went back on its agreement to return the land to the Confederacy instead demanded the elected band council put it in a corporation Your coverage did not look at the whole story
I am very disappointed that Burtch lands was returned to the Six Nations Council via the Six Nations Development Corporation.
The agreement to remove the barriers on highway 6 was made in exchange for the Burtch Lands to be returned to the Haudenoasaunee Confederacy of Chiefs, the traditional government at Six Nations, the rightful owners of land six miles deep on both sides of the Grand River from the mouth to the source. By excepting the return of. Burtch through additions to reserve makes this Crown Land and not sovereign land which it should be. If the SNEC had any integrity it would never have agreed to accept the terms of the province’s offer. SNEC should gone to the Confederacy and asked them how the Burtch lands should be returned. Instead the SNEC continues to fall into the trap of divide and conquer, a strategy used by both federal and provincial governments for many years. When will we learn to be united at Six Nations. If this ever happened, Six Nations would be a great Nation!!
This is so extremely sad given some very dedicated and hard working individuals within the Confederacy worked for years to get this land back as sovereign Haudenosaunee territory.
I wonder if elected council can now transfer it to confederacy?
Burtch Lands are not under the Six Nations Development Corporation. It’s under an incorporated numbered company the same as the incorporated numbered company the HCCC put land it purchased under.