The federal government is giving the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) $15.3 million to help revitalize the Michif language.
The announcement was made Friday in Winnipeg.
“We have approximately less than a thousand Michif speakers in the province,” said Andrew Carrier, minister of French and Michif Language Protection for the MMF, “with the help of the federal government, we’re able to give Michif language a chance to survive and to prosper.”
There are three main dialects: Michif French, Southern/Heritage Michif and Northern Michif. Some dialects, like Southern Michif, incorporate Cree verbs and French nouns, while Michif French is more of a dialect of French.
According to the government, the money, spread out over five years, is part of its commitment under the Indigenous Languages Act.
Carrier says the MMF is exploring numerous Michif language projects, including classes, books and will be “introducing the Michif language at a really early age through our own early learning childcare centres.
“So, we’re working with the childcare directors as to storybooks in Michif.”
Carrier said the MMF also hopes to unite Elders and youth through language programming.
The MMF is now accepting requests for proposals through its website from individuals and communities interested in developing Michif programming.