Miss Keenan’s class at Khatinas.Axh school in the Yukon wins a trip to Manitoba

Luke Smith
Miss Keenan’s Grade 5, 6 and 7 class at Khatinas.Axh school in the Yukon has won a Parks Canada contest that will see them travel to Manitoba this summer.

The school is based in Teslin, a small community about two hours south of Whitehorse.

It’s home to about 125 people – mostly Tlingit.

The community has a speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour and one of its RCMP cruisers is made out of plywood.

But the kindergarten to Grade 8 school, which has about 50 students, plays a big part in the community and is supported by the community’s Elders.

One of the challenges this community faces is the preservation of its inland Tlingit language.

And how they do that was one of the keys to winning the contest.

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