Trudeau sells Trans Mountain decision, talks overdose deaths during B.C. visit
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau goes to B.C. to sell the Trans Mountain pipeline.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau goes to B.C. to sell the Trans Mountain pipeline.
FSIN and AFN didn’t help, so she turned to Canadian Taxpayers Federation.
Assembly of First Nations British Columbia regional Chief Shane Gottfriedson apologized and deleted the photo late Monday afternoon
Series of consultations happening across province.
Memobers of Kashechewan First Nation are waiting on word from Ottawa to move to new location.
Alex Neve joins APTN Host Cheryl McKenzie to talk about new report on resource development and the negative impacts on Indigenous women and girls.
13 people from Canada caught up in #NoDAPL arrests against pipeline.
Anti-pipeline demonstrators and police clash at private ranch in North Dakota.
Community remembers couples lost decades ago whose deaths were never investigated.
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