Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs Assembly Resolution 78

December 5, 6 & 7, 2017, Ottawa, ON Resolution no. 78/2017


TITLE: Support for the Extension on the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered
Indigenous Women and Girls


MOVED BY: Chief Peter Collins, Fort William First Nation, ON

SECONDED BY: Chief AnnaBetty Achneepineskum, Webequie First Nation, ON
DECISION: Carried; 15 objections

A. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states:
i. Article 7 (1): Indigenous individuals have the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and
security of person.

ii. Article 7 (2): Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security as
distinct peoples and shall not be subjected to any act of genocide or any other act of violence,
including forcibly removing children of the group to another group.

iii. Article 22 (2): States shall take measures, in conjunction with Indigenous peoples, to ensure that
Indigenous women and children enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of
violence and discrimination.

B. Indigenous peoples and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and have the right to be free from
any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular those based on their Indigenous origin or

C. The Government of Canada launched the independent National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous
Women and Girls (National Inquiry) in August, 2016.

D. The National Inquiry is mandated to provide a final report to the federal government of Canada by
November 2018.

E. To date, the National Inquiry has held 8 family hearings throughout Canada and has heard approximately over
500 testimonies with 1000 families and survivors registering thus far.

F. Resolution 57/2017, “Support for National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls”
directs the Assembly of First Nations to call for a reset, changing the mandate and process of the National
Inquiry; remove policy barriers of the Privy Council Office; expand the scope of the National Inquiry; Call upon
the federal government to take immediate action to fund family engagement, healing processes, and support for
families still at risk today. Resolution 57/2017 also calls upon the National Inquiry to amend its process to be
less legalistic, to move away from a top down colonial approach and include local culturally sensitive based
processes which are respectful for families, and to obtain input from grassroots people and improve its
outreach. Finally it calls upon the National Inquiry to develop and disclose its accountability framework,
financial reports, its structure and its interim report with an evaluation process.

G. Families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls from the Thunder Bay hearings have called
upon leadership to help advocate for an extension of the National Inquiry and for additional funding to reach all
families throughout Canada within their respective territories.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs-in-Assembly:

1. Direct the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) to support the Commissioners of the National Inquiry into Missing
and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (National Inquiry) request for an extension of their mandate and
the appropriate budget allocation for the continuation of the National Inquiry for a minimum of another 2 years,
on the condition that the Commissioners of the National Inquiry make a formal commitment to fully implement,
prior to the extension and replacement of the Chief Commissioner, all of the calls for action contained in AFN
Resolution 37/2014 “Support for Families First” and Resolution 57/2017 “Support for the National Inquiry into
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls”, including to:

a. Direct the AFN to call upon the federal government to reset and change the mandate and process of
the National Inquiry and if necessary, provide additional funding to the National Inquiry.

b. Call upon the federal government and the Privy Council Office to remove any policy barriers that inhibit
the ability of the National Inquiry to allocate funds and carry out its mandate.

c. Call upon the federal government to expand the scope of the National Inquiry’s mandate to include
policing practices and policies.

d. Call upon the federal government to take immediate action to fund:
i. Family engagement.
ii. Healing processes.
iii. Support for families still at risk today.

e. Direct the AFN to call upon the National Inquiry to amend its process so that it is less legalistic, to move
away from a top down colonial approach and include a local culturally sensitive based process which is
respectful of families; to communicate with families to obtain input from grassroots people and improve
its outreach process to family members, First Nations, and organizations.

f. Call upon the National Inquiry to develop and disclose its:

i. Accountability Framework.

See a list of resolutions here: AFN SCA Resolutions