InFocus: Métis Federation of Canada wants to represent Métis across country
Métis group steps forward after Daniels Supreme Court decision. Plus, well wishes in retirement for NWT Commissioner George Tuccaro.
Métis group steps forward after Daniels Supreme Court decision. Plus, well wishes in retirement for NWT Commissioner George Tuccaro.
Liberal MP says Supreme Court made a mistake with assisted dying ruling.
Three different stories that all centre on why there can’t be reconciliation without restitution
Chief Robert Joseph speaks about the importance that humour plays in healing.
Our second guest is award-winning story-teller, Joseph Boyden who has been acknowledge for his writing since his very first novel, Three Day Road.
Federal government can no longer deny fiduciary duty to Métis and non-status Indians
Siksika band members not happy with how relief from 2013 flood is being handled.
The final interview given by William “Wolverine” Ignace, just days before he passed away.
A class action lawsuit could have far-reaching implications for First Nations governed under the Indian Act.
Gabriel Daniels, the political panel and Chief Kirby Whiteduck on the April 14 edition of N2N
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