Health Canada ignored warning of suicide pact from First Nation now grieving deaths of two girls

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5 thoughts on “Health Canada ignored warning of suicide pact from First Nation now grieving deaths of two girls

  1. Alainga says:

    First Nations and Inuit are in crises mode..inadeguate housing, lack of support and down trodden housing conditions. Living conditions are third world..yet we welcome Syrians, give them free housing, social assistance and benefits…we ignore our own…

  2. The sad thing is that this happening all across canada, and it will continue to happen. It is constantly being swept under the rug by the very people that could be preventing it ….the government. Suicide can be prevented, but it never will be!!!

  3. any suicide is a tragedy—-Pikangikum has been the hardest hit—money alone does not solve the problem—-need consistent parenting allowing them a voice each and every day–also the people of the community cannot just depend on health canada–start volunteering your time for the youth and set an example they can follow—-you can reach out without being paid—

  4. So filled with sadness for all the family community, services who are unarmed to deal with the needs in First Nations Communities. My prayers go out to you all. Great Article and well written Jorge Barrera thank you for taking time to write about our tragedies and trauma in our communities.

  5. This is terrible how this still is happening to our youth my heart goes out to the families and youth who are struggling

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